Friday, August 13, 2010

Male Infertility!!

Male infertility is more common than believed. The 30 percent of infertility among couples who want children stems from male problems. An estimated one in five couples is in this problem. In a patriarchal society this problem not only affects physical, social pressure affects men, resulting in self-esteem problems and in several cases in the separation of the couple.

The male sterility is related to problems with production and maturation of sperm, but also stems from congenital factors or may arise after a traumatic or infectious process.

Smoking, alcoholism, exposure to radiation or chemicals and steam, all in excess, affecting the good sperm production. Culture "macho" often blame women for this condition, so it must be both those who go to a checkup. But it is very common that they first undergo fertility treatments when in fact they are the source of the problem, but also are more sensitive to treatment for men than women.

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